Fun and easy science experiments for kids and adults.
Earth science
Grow crystals on an egg shell in this experiment about geology. You get a nice ornament as a bonus.
Gilla: | Dela: | |

- 2 dl aluminum potassium sulfate ("alum")
- 1 egg
- Wood glue
- 1 paintbrush (or your finger)
- Food coloring in any color
- Measuring cups
- 1 pair of nail scissors (regular scissors also work)
- 1 bowl
- 1 spoon
- 1 pitcher that can hold at least 7 dl (3 cups)
- 1 needle (or thin nail)
- Microwave (or other way to boil water)
- Toilet paper
- Water
There is hot water in this demonstration.There is also aluminum potassium sulfate ("alum") in this demonstration, which is an irritant.
- Inhalation: Breath fresh air and rest.
- Skin contact: Rinse with water.
- Eye contact: Rinse with plenty of water. Get medical attention if necessary.
- Ingestion: Drink plenty of water. Do not vomit. Get medical attention.
It is okey to pour a mixture of alum and water into the sink, but dilute it with plenty of water.Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

Step 8

Step 9

Step 10

Step 11

Step 12

Short explanation
In this demonstration, a geode has formed - a hollow rock with crystals inside - in the same way as in nature.Long explanation
Earth's crust, the outermost solid layer of our planet, is made up of thousands of different minerals. Minerals are chemical substances that (normally) form crystals and are formed on or beneath Earth's surface. Three common minerals are quartz, feldspar and mica. Minerals constitute the various rocks that exist. A rock is defined according to which mineral or minerals are included, its chemical composition and how it was formed. One common rock is granite, which consists of small grains of quartz, feldspar and mica. In granite, the different mineral grains can be easily distinguished with the naked eye, but this isn't always the case.A crystal is a solid chemical substance whose atoms and/or ions form a structure that repeats itself in all three dimensions. All minerals thus form crystals, and have this ordered structure. Sometimes the crystals are microscopically small, but they can also be several meters in size.
A geod is a hollow part of Earth's crust, where minerals are deposited in special structures in the cavity. For example, it could be an air bubble that is trapped in lava that then solidifies. Afterwards, groundwater has seeped through the cavity and released small amounts of minerals at a time. These minerals have stuck in the cavity of the geode where they formed special structures. These special structures are often large crystals.
At the same time as minerals are deposited in the cavity of the geode, the outer walls of the geode solidify. This means that when a geod is then found, when erosion and weathering have exposed it, it looks like a normal rock among the rest of the rocks. By splitting the stone in half, you can find its beautiful interior.
In this demonstration, you have created your own geod. When you mix the mineral aluminum potassium sulphate ("alum") in water, it dissolves, which means that a mixture is formed where the components cannot be distinguished. By heating the water, more alum can dissolve, because both the alum and the water then move faster and thus mix more easily. When the water then cools, the solubility becomes lower again and the alum "falls out" of the solution and merges into crystals. The evaporation of water also contributes, as the amount of water that can dissolve alum then decreases. The alum crystals are formed primarily in places that are uneven, because the alum particles at those places find it easier to escape from the grip of the water molecules (water molecules hold together quite strongly). This is why you created some starter crystals on the eggshell in advance. This deposition of minerals is exactly what happens inside a natural geod.
You can turn this demonstration into an experiment. This will make it a better science project. To do that, try answering one of the following questions. The answer to the question will be your hypothesis. Then test the hypothesis by doing the experiment.- What does the egg-geode look like after 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 hours?
- What happens if you use something else than an egg shell?
- What makes the best "starter crystals"?
Gilla: | Dela: | |
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© The Experiment Archive. Fun and easy science experiments for kids and adults. In biology, chemistry, physics, earth science, astronomy, technology, fire, air and water. To do in preschool, school, after school and at home. Also science fair projects and a teacher's guide.
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© The Experiment Archive. Fun and easy science experiments for kids and adults. In biology, chemistry, physics, earth science, astronomy, technology, fire, air and water. To do in preschool, school, after school and at home. Also science fair projects and a teacher's guide.
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