Fun and easy science experiments for kids and adults.
A fun balancing act with a soda can. An experiment about the center of mass and toppling.
Gilla: | Dela: | |

- 1 soda can
- Water
Step 1

Step 2

The key to an object not toppling over is that its center of mass is directly above the base of support. The center of mass is the point from which there is the same amount of mass in all directions. The base of support is the surface of the table/floor etc. that directly supports the object. An empty soda can cannot be balanced in this way because the center of mass is centrally located in the soda can and thus becomes outside the base of support. But by pouring a little water into the soda can, the center of mass moves and ends up directly above the base of support.Experiment
You can turn this demonstration into an experiment. This will make it a better science project. To do that, try answering one of the following questions. The answer to the question will be your hypothesis. Then test the hypothesis by doing the experiment.- How much can you tilt the soda can before it topples over?
- Which is the minimum amount of water needed for balancing the soda can?
- Which is the maximum amount of water possible for balancing the soda can?
- How small a base of suppport can you balance the soda can on? For example, can you balance the soda can on the edge of a bowl?
Gilla: | Dela: | |
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© The Experiment Archive. Fun and easy science experiments for kids and adults. In biology, chemistry, physics, earth science, astronomy, technology, fire, air and water. To do in preschool, school, after school and at home. Also science fair projects and a teacher's guide.
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© The Experiment Archive. Fun and easy science experiments for kids and adults. In biology, chemistry, physics, earth science, astronomy, technology, fire, air and water. To do in preschool, school, after school and at home. Also science fair projects and a teacher's guide.
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